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Safety, environment, health, security

Cecon Contracting AS has developed a practical and user-friendly management system, which is certified by DNV to the following standards:

  • ISO 9001: 2015 – Quality management system
  • ISO 14001: 2015 – Environmental management system
  • ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational health and safety management system

The Cecon Contracting management system focuses on project execution and ensuring that personnel & environmental risks are reduced to a minimum. Cecon’s leadership is personally involved in driving the safety & welfare culture of the company.

Cecon Contracting HSE performance data, and policies on environment, ethics, health & safety, security, quality and risk management are available on request.

Statement on compliance with the Norwegian Transparency Act in Cecon Contracting AS

Cecon Contracting AS is a Norwegian offshore contractor providing project management, engineering and offshore/subsea installation services to offshore oil and gas industries, renewables industries and the telecommunications industry.

With an offshore base in southern Norway, Cecon Contracting is ideally located for the European operations we conduct. In addition, our modular equipment spreads and logistics contacts allow us to broaden this footprint across the globe, and we have completed numerous operations in West Africa and as far afield as Asia and North America.

Our work with human rights and decent working conditions is anchored in our Ethics & Social Responsibility Policy.

Status at January 2025

During 2024 our operations were in the following geographical areas:

  • Oslo office and Eydehavn offshore base, Norway.
  • Mobilisation of a construction vessel at Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain.
  • Port visits and offshore operations, Angola.

Our suppliers were predominantly Norwegian and other European suppliers:

  • Operation of a subsea construction ship (Normand Installer).
  • Specialised subsea equipment.
  • Highly qualified technical personnel.
  • Port Agent in Angola is part of a Netherlands based logistics group.

In many cases our suppliers themselves are subject to the Norwegian Transparency Act, or equivalent European parliament directive on the transparency of ESG rating activities. For 2025 operations, Cecon assesses that there was no significant risk of a lack of compliance with the Transparency Act.

Cecon Contracting AS assesses the suitability of its suppliers, includes supplier compliance with international standards of social and environmental responsibility.

We have received no information about actual negative consequences or significant risk of negative consequences so far in our due diligence assessments.

Oslo, 16 January 2025.

Jo Braadlie, Managing Director